Beyond just species: Is Africa the most taxonomically diverse bird continent?


  • Chris N. Lotz PO Box 215, Newlands 7725, South Africa
  • John A. Caddick 30 White Oak Drive, Beckenham BR3 6QE, UK
  • Monika Forner Department of Botany & Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Michael I. Cherry 1. Department of Botany & Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa 2. DST Centre of Excellence at the Fitzpatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa



systematics, avian diversity, species, genus, conservation


We analysed avian diversity in 8 similar-sized regions of Africa, and in an additional 16 regions spread across the world; half of these 24 regions were tropical and the other half were temperate. For each region, counts of species, genus, family and order were recorded rather than only a species count. We assert that this approach gives more accurate insights into diversity patterns, as we show that in relatively species-rich parts of the world species are on average taxonomically more similar to each other than in species-poor areas. Northwestern South America is the world’s most species-rich region for birds, but we show that sub-Saharan Africa has greater diversity at higher taxonomic levels and is thus arguably the richest corner of the world for birds: the Mozambique–Zimbabwe region displays the highest diversity at the order level (with 30 orders), with all other sub-Saharan regions having between 27 and 29 orders each. Northern India is also extremely diverse (surprisingly so for a marginally temperate region) at all taxonomic levels below that of order. We hope that our study might generate further analyses of avian diversity beyond the species level.





Research Letter

How to Cite

Lotz, C. N., Caddick, J. A., Forner, M., & Cherry, M. I. (2013). Beyond just species: Is Africa the most taxonomically diverse bird continent?. South African Journal of Science, 109(5/6), 4.
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