Discussion Series




Discussions on Academia in Geopolitical Conflicts

Discussions on Service Delivery in South Africa

Discussions on Load Shedding

Discussions on 4IR

Discussions on POPIA



Discussions on Academia in Geopolitical Conflictsarrow icon

Should our universities respond to geopolitical conflicts around the world? (Chetty, Mar/Apr 2025)

Yes, our universities should take a stand against genocide (Kagee and Manjra, Mar/Apr 2025)

Is silence in the face of global injustice in the “best interests” of South African universities? (Lewins et al., Mar/Apr 2025)

The illusion of university neutrality in the face of global conflicts (Jansen, Mar/Apr 2025)

Neoliberalism constrains academic freedom (McKenna, Mar/Apr 2025)

Evasive tactics (Higgins, Mar/Apr 2025)


Discussions on Service Delivery in South Africaarrow icon

Thinking about ‘service delivery’ (Swartz, Nov/Dec 2024)

Unwilling or unable? A critical reflection on the state of municipal water services, 2019–2024 (Luyaba et al., Nov/Dec 2024)

Who will free us from ‘service delivery’? Why a supposed solution is a problem (Friedman, Nov/Dec 2024)

When law struggles to deliver: Reflections on service delivery law reform in South Africa, 1996–2024 (du Plessis et al., Nov/Dec 2024)

Data analysis is part of a better feedback loop for local government (Inggs et al., Nov/Dec 2024)

Reimagining local government service delivery through the quadruple helix (Biljohn et al., Nov/Dec 2024)

Moving beyond basic service delivery for inclusive reliable infrastructure (Maree et al., Nov/Dec 2024)

Water insecurity in Johannesburg (and beyond?) (Sheridan, Nov/Dec 2024)

What a mess: Rethinking municipal waste management 30 years into South African democracy (Kalina et al., Nov/Dec 2024)

Navigating the complexities of long-term care service delivery for older people in South Africa (Hlongwane, Nov/Dec 2024)

Stuck in old ways: Towards transdisciplinary training for healthcare professionals in early intervention (Samuels, Nov/Dec 2024)

District health service delivery and the contribution of family physicians (Mash et al., Nov/Dec 2024)

From the burden of disease to the disease of burden (Hoare et al., Nov/Dec 2024)



Discussions on Load Shedding arrow icon

Load shedding as a result of failures at the political-technological interface (Muller, Sep/Oct 2023)

Load shedding in South Africa: Another nail in income inequality? (Inglesi-Lotz, Sep/Oct 2023)

Liquified petroleum gas provides a technically viable and financially feasible means to reduce Eskom’s diesel cost burden by 30% to 40% (Clark & McGregor, Sep/Oct 2023)

The impact of the increasing residential battery backup systems on load shedding (Ritchie et al., Sep/Oct 2023)

Some real but mostly unconsidered costs hiding in the dark corners of load shedding (Booysen et al., Sep/Oct 2023)

Data gaps will leave scientists ‘in the dark’: How load shedding is obscuring our understanding of air quality (Wright et al., Sep/Oct 2023)

Resilience is not enough: The mental health impact of the ongoing energy crisis in South Africa (Marchetti-Mercer, Sep/Oct 2023)

Load shedding and mental health in South Africa: Methodological challenges of establishing causal links (Bantjes & Swartz, Sep/Oct 2023)

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Discussions on 4IR arrow icon

Why there is no technological revolution, let alone a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (Moll, Jan/Feb 2023) 

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has arrived. Comments on Moll (S Afr J Sci. 2023;119(1/2), Art. #12916) (Marwala, Jan/Feb 2023)

Defining the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Comments on Moll (S Afr J Sci. 2023;119(1/2), Art. #12916) (Ntlatlapa, Jan/Feb 2023)

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Conceptual paradox or catalyst for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? (Mbiza & Sinha, Jul/Aug 2023)

Revisiting how scientific research drives technological change: The Fifth Industrial Revolution (Callaghan, Jul/Aug 2023)

[Discussion closed]



Discussions on POPIA arrow icon

Protecting personal information in research: Is a code of conduct the solution? (Thaldar et al., Mar/Apr 2021)

POPIA Code of Conduct for Research (Adams et al., May/Jun 2021)

Drafting a Code of Conduct for Research under the Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013 (Adams et al., May/Jun 2021)

The Protection of Personal Information Act and data de-identification (Swales, Jul/Aug 2021)

Why POPIA does not apply to DNA (Thaldar, Jul/Aug 2021))

Seven essential instruments for POPIA compliance in research involving children and adolescents in South Africa (Hertzog et al., Sep/Oct 2021)

Why research institutions should indemnify researchers against POPIA civil liability (Swales et al., Mar/Apr 2022)

Research and the meaning of ‘public interest’ in POPIA (Thaldar, Mar/Apr 2022)

[Discussion closed]