Discussions on Academia in Geopolitical Conflicts
Discussions on Service Delivery in South Africa
Should our universities respond to geopolitical conflicts around the world? (Chetty, Mar/Apr 2025)
Yes, our universities should take a stand against genocide (Kagee and Manjra, Mar/Apr 2025)
Is silence in the face of global injustice in the “best interests” of South African universities? (Lewins et al., Mar/Apr 2025)
The illusion of university neutrality in the face of global conflicts (Jansen, Mar/Apr 2025)
Neoliberalism constrains academic freedom (McKenna, Mar/Apr 2025)
Evasive tactics (Higgins, Mar/Apr 2025)
Thinking about ‘service delivery’ (Swartz, Nov/Dec 2024)
Unwilling or unable? A critical reflection on the state of municipal water services, 2019–2024 (Luyaba et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
Who will free us from ‘service delivery’? Why a supposed solution is a problem (Friedman, Nov/Dec 2024)
When law struggles to deliver: Reflections on service delivery law reform in South Africa, 1996–2024 (du Plessis et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
Data analysis is part of a better feedback loop for local government (Inggs et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
Reimagining local government service delivery through the quadruple helix (Biljohn et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
Moving beyond basic service delivery for inclusive reliable infrastructure (Maree et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
Water insecurity in Johannesburg (and beyond?) (Sheridan, Nov/Dec 2024)
What a mess: Rethinking municipal waste management 30 years into South African democracy (Kalina et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
Navigating the complexities of long-term care service delivery for older people in South Africa (Hlongwane, Nov/Dec 2024)
Stuck in old ways: Towards transdisciplinary training for healthcare professionals in early intervention (Samuels, Nov/Dec 2024)
District health service delivery and the contribution of family physicians (Mash et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
From the burden of disease to the disease of burden (Hoare et al., Nov/Dec 2024)
Load shedding as a result of failures at the political-technological interface (Muller, Sep/Oct 2023)
Load shedding in South Africa: Another nail in income inequality? (Inglesi-Lotz, Sep/Oct 2023)
Liquified petroleum gas provides a technically viable and financially feasible means to reduce Eskom’s diesel cost burden by 30% to 40% (Clark & McGregor, Sep/Oct 2023)
The impact of the increasing residential battery backup systems on load shedding (Ritchie et al., Sep/Oct 2023)
Some real but mostly unconsidered costs hiding in the dark corners of load shedding (Booysen et al., Sep/Oct 2023)
Data gaps will leave scientists ‘in the dark’: How load shedding is obscuring our understanding of air quality (Wright et al., Sep/Oct 2023)
Resilience is not enough: The mental health impact of the ongoing energy crisis in South Africa (Marchetti-Mercer, Sep/Oct 2023)
Load shedding and mental health in South Africa: Methodological challenges of establishing causal links (Bantjes & Swartz, Sep/Oct 2023)
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Why there is no technological revolution, let alone a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (Moll, Jan/Feb 2023)
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has arrived. Comments on Moll (S Afr J Sci. 2023;119(1/2), Art. #12916) (Marwala, Jan/Feb 2023)
Defining the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Comments on Moll (S Afr J Sci. 2023;119(1/2), Art. #12916) (Ntlatlapa, Jan/Feb 2023)
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Conceptual paradox or catalyst for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? (Mbiza & Sinha, Jul/Aug 2023)
Revisiting how scientific research drives technological change: The Fifth Industrial Revolution (Callaghan, Jul/Aug 2023)
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Protecting personal information in research: Is a code of conduct the solution? (Thaldar et al., Mar/Apr 2021)
POPIA Code of Conduct for Research (Adams et al., May/Jun 2021)
Drafting a Code of Conduct for Research under the Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013 (Adams et al., May/Jun 2021)
The Protection of Personal Information Act and data de-identification (Swales, Jul/Aug 2021)
Why POPIA does not apply to DNA (Thaldar, Jul/Aug 2021))
Seven essential instruments for POPIA compliance in research involving children and adolescents in South Africa (Hertzog et al., Sep/Oct 2021)
Why research institutions should indemnify researchers against POPIA civil liability (Swales et al., Mar/Apr 2022)
Research and the meaning of ‘public interest’ in POPIA (Thaldar, Mar/Apr 2022)
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