Why publish with us?

Do you want your research to be visible and accessible to a wide audience all over the world?

With a multidisciplinary scope and non-specialist style, SAJS articles are accessible to scholars from different disciplines and provide an understandable and trustworthy source of South African research to the media and wider public.

What’s more:

  • SAJS is a diamond open access journal – free to access and free to publish (no APCs).
  • SAJS is read in almost every country in the world.
  • SAJS is indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO SA, EBSCO, Google Scholar, DOAJ and AJOL and is automatically accredited by DHET.
  • SAJS subscribes to Crossref tools to optimise interoperability, visibility, accessibility, indexability and searchability.
  • SAJS received the DOAJ Seal for open access journals that adhere to best practice and high publishing standards in 2016.
  • SAJS was awarded three stars by AJOL in the Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) assessment, for being consistently excellent in all the technical and editorial publishing best practices set out in the JPPS assessment criteria.
  • SAJS scores highly on the 'How Equitable Is It' framework for evaluating scholarly communication models on the basis of equity.