Biostratigraphic correlation in the Karoo: The case of the Middle Permian parareptile Eunotosaurus


  • Mike Day Bernard Price Institute of Palaeontology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Bruce Rubidge Bernard Price Institute of Palaeontology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • John Almond Natura Viva, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Sifelani Jirah Bernard Price Institute of Palaeontology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa



Eunotosaurus, biostratigraphy, Permian, Karoo, parareptile, Beaufort Group


The richness of fossil tetrapods from the Beaufort Group of South Africa has enabled biostratigraphic subdivision of this Permo-Triassic succession, with global applicability. Despite being the thickest of the seven biozones recognised, attempts at further subdivision of the Middle Permian Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone (Abrahamskraal Formation) have not been successful, largely because the exact stratigraphic ranges of fossil taxa are unknown. This gap in knowledge has limited stratigraphic correlation of the Abrahamskraal Formation and hindered understanding of Middle Permian Karoo basin development. Currently, the lowermost Beaufort Group is split between an eastern and a western stratigraphic scheme and, because of poor outcrop and the relative paucity of fossils in the east, stratigraphic correlation between the two areas has been uncertain. Recent fossil discoveries of the parareptile Eunotosaurus africanus in the Eastern Cape and Free State provinces have extended its known geographic range in the east. An additional specimen from the lower Middleton Formation in the Eastern Cape has, for the first time, enabled the biostratigraphic correlation of this unit with the Poortjie Member of the Teekloof Formation in the west. These finds confirm the diachroneity of the boundary between the marine Ecca Group and the terrestrial Beaufort Group.





Research Letter

How to Cite

Day, M., Rubidge, B., Almond, J., & Jirah, S. (2013). Biostratigraphic correlation in the Karoo: The case of the Middle Permian parareptile Eunotosaurus. South African Journal of Science, 109(3/4), 4.
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