Mesoporous ethanesilica materials with bimodal and trimodal pore-size distributions synthesised in the presence of cobalt ions


  • Neil Coville University of the Witwatersrand
  • Alufelwi Tshavhungwe University of the Witwatersrand and Department of Science and Technology, Pretoria


cobalt, ethanesilica, mesoporous materials, porosity, sol-gel synthesis


Mesoporous organosilica materials containing ethane groups in their framework were formed with two and three pore sizes (i.e. bimodal and trimodal pores) when synthesised by the sol-gel method in the presence of cobalt ions. The compounds 1,2-bistrimethoxysilylethane and tetraethylorthosilicate were used as silicon sources and the reactions were done in the presence of a surfactant, which served as a template. Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy revealed that organic functional groups were incorporated into the ethanesilica. Powder X-ray diffraction and nitrogen adsorption data indicated that the mesophase and textural properties (surface area, pore volume, pore diameter) of the materials were dependent on the ageing temperature, the amount/ratio of silica precursors and cobalt ion incorporation. Secondary mesopores were drastically reduced by changing the ratio of silicon precursors.

Author Biographies

  • Neil Coville, University of the Witwatersrand


    School of Chemistry

  • Alufelwi Tshavhungwe, University of the Witwatersrand and Department of Science and Technology, Pretoria

    PhD in Chemistry

    Now at DST

    Department of Science and Technology,

    Private Bag X894,

    Pretoria 0001,

    South Africa





Research Letters

How to Cite

Coville, N., & Tshavhungwe, A. (2010). Mesoporous ethanesilica materials with bimodal and trimodal pore-size distributions synthesised in the presence of cobalt ions. South African Journal of Science, 106(7/8), 5 pages.
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