Antibiotic resistance via the food chain: Fact or fiction?


  • Linda Bester University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Sabiha Essack University of KwaZulu-Natal


antibiotic susceptibility, food security, food productions, gene transfer


The mechanisms that bacteria use to acquire additional genetic material, including genes coding for antibiotic resistance, are principally the secondary pathways that have been described as transformation and conjugation pathways. The farming industry often is reported as a hotspot for antibiotic-resistance reservoirs. In this review, we consider the exposure of food animals during the course of their lifespans to preventative, therapeutic or prophylactic treatment with antibiotic agents. In this context, zoonotic bacteria are commonly recognised as a potential threat to human health, with therapeutic treatment of pathogenic organisms on farms increasing the likelihood of selective antibiotic pressure influencing the commensal flora of the intestines. Existing literature indicates, however, that the effective impact on human health of such interventions in the food production process is still subject to debate.

Author Biographies

  • Linda Bester, University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Biomedical Resource Unit,

    University of KwaZulu- Natal,

    Private Bag X54001,

    Durban 4000,

    South Africa

  • Sabiha Essack, University of KwaZulu-Natal
    Biomedical Resource Unit,

    University of KwaZulu- Natal,

    Private Bag X54001,

    Durban 4000,

    South Africa





Review Articles

How to Cite

Bester, L., & Essack, S. (2010). Antibiotic resistance via the food chain: Fact or fiction?. South African Journal of Science, 106(9/10), 5 pages.
  • Abstract 238
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