Voucher tokenisation using blockchain and smart contracts to support people in need





blockchain, digital vouchers, disintermediation, smart contracts


In South Africa, many people are homeless or doing informal work for which they receive small amounts of cash from caring individuals. The world is moving towards cashless transactions, but devices are needed to support that move. Many people in need cannot afford such devices and usually receive cash, but fewer donors carry cash. Consequently, people in need receive less informal financial support. We propose a system that allows donors to give digital vouchers that can be redeemed at participating stores and institutions of care. This study aimed to investigate the use of blockchain technology in digital voucher management and to demonstrate the application of smart contracts to disintermediate the value transfer process specific to the donation process. A demonstrator was built to include a front end for the user to interact with and a back end containing the application logic, which was built on the Polygon blockchain, a second-layer solution for the Ethereum blockchain. The model included tokenising vouchers as non-fungible tokens, and the smart contracts governed their logic and the conditions to be met. The demonstrator was validated using smart contract and unit tests to evaluate the security and functionality. While the model was not implemented in reality, a fully functioning demonstrator was developed. The platform achieved the aim of disintermediating the voucher management process. A real-world implementation could help many in need to receive tokens for food, shelter and clothing from direct, individual donors.
We developed an architecture for a digital voucher donation management system that enables individual donors to transfer cashless vouchers to recipients in need. The recipients can then exchange the vouchers for necessities such as shelter, food and clothing. Such a system will become essential in the near future as we move towards a cashless society. The proposed system is safe because it is based on blockchain technology.





Research Article

How to Cite

Harraway, T., & Bekker, J. (2024). Voucher tokenisation using blockchain and smart contracts to support people in need. South African Journal of Science, 120(11/12). https://doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2024/18150
  • Abstract 344
  • PDF 743
  • EPUB 367
  • XML 105
  • Peer review history 360